srijeda, 14. svibnja 2014.

Anti Gravity Water Trick

You amaze your audience with a seemingly impossible feat where a bottle of water seems to defy gravity. This is cool close up magic.

Effect : The magician presents a full bottle of water of which a little is poured out to show its all real. The bottle is then turned upside down right in front of the spectator and amazingly, no water pours out ???

To really reinforce the magic effect, the magician then proceeds to insert some toothpicks into the neck of the bottle which are clearly seen to float up through the water inside.
Anti Gravity Water Trick - Video Tutorial
The video above, shows the performance of this close up magic trick and follows with a tutorial on how to perform the trick.

Highlights :

Can be performed almost anywhere there are some easily available items around.

Good ice breaker for a bar.

The little preparation that is needed to perform this magic is time well spent as this trick can look really baffling to your audience.

This cool trick goes to show that with a little practice to polish your performance and a few easily found items, that it is possible to demonstrate some really cool tricks to your audience and friends.

Snap Vanish Quarter Trick

This is an easy to pull off snap vanish trick which can be performed with a quarter or playing card.
The coin or card appears to mysteriously vanish into oblivion when you wave your hand over it.

Find out the easy secret to this amazing coin trick by watching the video demonstration. Don't forget though that you should practice this coin trick until your are confident performing it before trying it in front of your friends or an audience. Great impromptu street magic trick.
Snap Vanish Quarter Trick - Video Tutorial
This trick is easy to do and you should soon be performing it to a good standard. Take a little time to practice the angle that the coins are directed to, so that they are out of view from your audience.

No Money No Honey Trick

Effect: A small coin clearly held out in the magicians hand, unexplained changes into two larger coins, right in front of the spectator's eyes

The two large coins can then be handed out to be examined.

This is very effective close up magic and is relatively easy to learn. The magic instruction video below, will show you the trick being performed and then explains how it was done
No Money No Honey Trick - Video Tutorial
Like all good magic tricks, this one will benefit from a little practice before performing the trick in front of your friends.

Rising Playing Card Trick

An amazingly convincing levitating card trick in which a spectators freely chosen card is first shuffled into the deck and then made to rise out of the middle of the deck by itself.

This super card levitation magic trick uses no gimmicks and requires only a pack of playing cards.

Performance : The deck is first shuffled ( It can even be a borrowed deck ) and then fanned out in front of the spectator who is allowed to choose any card, memorize it and then hand it back to be further shuffled into the pack.
Rising Playing Card Trick - Video Tutorial

The pack is then held out directly in front of the spectator where their chosen card is seen to be slowly rising out from the middle of the deck. This looks amazing and will leave your audience baffled as to how they viewed a levitating card right under their nose.

Watch the magic video, above to see the performance and secret sleight of hand required to get the best effect from this clever magic showing a levitating card..

Tips : This street magic style rising card trick gets a good response but can be greatly improved by an entertaining performance and chat by the magician. Practice the timing and smoothness of the card moving up from the deck.

Easy Card Change Magic Trick

This is a really good magic card trick where a card is seen to change into another card after it has been given a magic rub. This illusion is performed right under your audience's nose which makes it even more convincing. Such is the beauty of close up magic.

The How To Magic Instruction Video on this page shows the card trick being demonstrated then gives an explanation of how the magic trick was done.

Easy Card Change Magic Trick - Video Tutorial

Method : Make sure that the card that you wish to change to is directly under the top card. When you place your hand on top of the cards, gently push the top card up a little. This will expose a little of the second from top card. Now use the fleshy part of your palm ( the part nearest the wrist ) to pull back the second card until it clicks free from the pack.

Now push forward and this card should slide over the pack to become the new top card. This move will be hidden from view from your audience who should be viewing the move from above, looking down on the back of your hand.

Snap Vanish Card Trick

This is an easy to perform snap vanish card trick which can be performed with a playing card or a coin. The card appears to mysteriously vanish into nowhere when you bring your hand over it.

Find out the easy method to let you perform this amazing card trick by watching the magic instruction video on this page.
Snap Vanish Card Trick - Video Tutorial

Don't forget though that you should practice this card trick until you are confident performing it before trying it in front of your friends or an audience. Great easy to do card sleight.

This easy card trick shows that with a little practice so that you can perfect the angles and timing, that you can perform very convincing card magic tricks relatively easily.

You can incorporate this sleight into one of your magic tricks or combine it with one or two of the other easy magic tricks on this site to perform a cool card trick routine.

Perfect Ten Magic Card Trick

Lets start with our first magic card trick. The spectator freely cuts the deck first. Magic tutorial on this post , lets you learn cool street magic card trick that’s a real reputation maker.

The spectator have a complete control of the deck of cards and is allowed to cut and shuffle as much they like.  The Perfect Ten get an even more powerful effect.
Perfect Ten Magic Card Trick

Your spectator cut and shuffle pack of cards as much as they like.

The deck is then handed back in your hands. You proceed to further mix the deck by dealing cards from the top to the bottom of the deck.

Three cards are then dealt face up on the table. Depending on the value of the face up cards, more cards are dealt face up on each pile to make up the value of each pile add up to ten.

* Please note that Jacks, Queens, Kings and Aces should all be given a value of 10 when counting values of cards in the three piles. *
You, the card magician, can now make a stunning prediction of the card hidden in the remainder of the deck thats position matches the total of the three face up cards.

Watch the performance and learn the cool secret shown in the magic instruction video above.

If you enjoy tricks which rely on mathematical principles and tricks which involve spelling as part of the act, one of the best magicians to research for this type of magic is Woody Aragon who is a very talented and entertaining magician.

Tips: This card conjuring trick can have an amazing effect on your audience as they seemingly had complete control of the order of the cards. This street magic type trick can be enhanced a lot by some entertaining chat by the magician.